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Can’t Get Pregnant With Blocked Tubes?

Hi! I’m Nattassia!

Hello! I’m Nattassia! I’m a natural fertility coach! I used to suffer from two of the main causes of blocked tubes– chlamydia and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID’s).

The sharp pain and bloated feeling troubled me for months until I got tested. When I got the news, it was surreal. I was overwhelmed with the fear that I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant.

The reality that the scar tissue caused from chlamydia or PID’s could prevent me from having children frightened me.

I was stressing over what I could have done to not only prevent my tubes from blocking, but to also heal my womb.

I blamed myself. I was so ashamed. I couldn’t stop worrying about the possible outcome.

How could this happen?

But the worst part is I had no one to talk to.

I couldn’t just tell friends and family and there was no other way to get information or support before social media other than books.

I remember spending my lunch breaks looking through self-help and natural remedy books with little luck.

I was so scared to think that I could have had blocked tubes and that it could have caused me to be infertile when I was ready to have my first child.

Somehow, I managed to get rid of the PID’s. But I had to take a disgusting orange pill for chlamydia even though I hated taking pills and how they made me feel.

I was so scared of the effect it would have on me and was even more embarrassed to tell my partner, at the time, so we could both get rid of it.

I would have done anything to heal my womb and prevent or open my tubes, so I did it anyway.

But now I know better.

My fertility journey and experiences opened my eyes and was my first initiation into being able to help other women.
The reason I’m not embarrassed to tell you this today, is because I know the natural solutions to blocked tubes and I’ve overcome the stigma of reproductive issues that can keep us stuck, feeling sorry for ourselves and helpless..

I just want you to know that you don’t have to fear having tubal blockages and that it doesn’t have to prevent you from conceiving naturally if you have the right information, support and community to help you.

And I want to show you how with my support and strategy so you do have to keep searching, read tons of books or do it all by yourself.

Natural Fertility Planning Clinic

"The ovarian cyst I had on my right ovary (which was the size of a gum ball) is completely gone. Got an ultrasound last week. Thank you queen for giving me tips."


I started following you recently and I just want to say thank you for educating us on our reproductive health. Me and my husband are on our ttc journey to conceive baby #1. I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago. As of Jan this year I've stopped eating meat and have more of plant based diet...My cycles have been more frequent...I've started meditating more and getting [intuned] with my body like never before...I also know education is key while on this journey...Again, thank you for being a light to the black fertility community. I truly appreciate you. - Shay


Finally my cycle came down, I’m proud to say I had very limited cramps, almost none at all 😊& my cycle was light not as heavy as it usually is. - Kamrii

What if there was a way you could unblock your tubes naturally?

Imagine if tubal blockages didn’t have to lead to infertility.

What if you could learn how to take action to do what needs to be done to open your tubes?

How would it feel to be able actually to talk with someone about unblocking your tubes?

Wouldn’t you love to have one less thing in the way between you and your future baby?

You don’t have to let tubal blockages stop you from conceiving naturally!

Natural Fertility Planning Clinic

Overcome Blocked Tubes Naturally!

That is why I created the Overcome Blocked Tubes Naturally!

It’s a 1-hour Coaching Call to walk you through the steps to opening your fallopian tubes naturally at-home with my 28-Day Fertility Strategy.

Your 60-min. Coaching Call includes:
(1) 60 min. 1:1 Zoom Call ($297 Value)
Customized 28-Day Strategy Guide ($97 Value)
7 days unlimited email support (business hours)($97 Value)

An over $500 Value!

Natural Fertility Planning Clinic

Total Value…



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What’s Included…

28 Day Strategy Plan

Tap into your innate fertility with my help strategies tailored to your unique needs.

(1) 60-min 1:1 Call (on Zoom)

Dive into solutions, strategies and all your fertility questions answered and get personalized responses in real-time.

24/7 Unlimited Email Support

Prioritize your fertility, save time and stop searching google so you can focus on what makes you more fertile with unlimited email support.

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Natural Fertility Planning Clinic

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