by Nattassia Wynter, Fertility Coach | May 6, 2018 | ovulation
Basal body thermometers can help you achieve pregnancy by charting and tracking your Basal Body Temperature (BBT). Charting your BBT can help you determine when you Ovulate. [youtube] A Basal Body...
by Nattassia Wynter, Fertility Coach | Apr 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
About 4000 eggs have been destroyed by what can only be seen as neglect, if not intensional.The eggs were stored in a liquid nitrogen egg freezer, which can store a woman’s eggs for several years.Many women who choose to freeze their eggs suffer from fertility...
by Nattassia Wynter, Fertility Coach | Apr 12, 2018 | Uncategorized
Sis, whats in your cup? Because if its coffee you are more than likely harming your fertility. So listen up, it goes like this…Caffeine is full of all types of chemicals that can be wreaking havoc on your fertility. If you’ve been trying to get pregnant...
by Nattassia Wynter, Fertility Coach | Jan 19, 2018 | Uncategorized
How often do you pee on stuff when you’re pregnant? Seriously! Because Ikea wants expecting moms to pee on its flyer to reveal something special. Most pregnant women try hard not to just pee on things like their underwear, especially when laughing. But this ad...
by Nattassia Wynter, Fertility Coach | Jun 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
Beyoncé just had twins, giving birth to a boy and a girl. Women tend to have more fertility issues the longer they wait to have children and giving birth later in life is becoming somewhat of a trend among millennials. So At 35 years old, it’s no surprise that...