
Natural Fertility Vs. 4000 Embryos Destroyed By Fertility Hospital

By Nattassia Wynter, Fertility Coach

On April 13, 2018

Natural Fertility Vs. 4000 Embryos Destroyed By Fertility Hospital
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About 4000 eggs have been destroyed by what can only be seen as neglect, if not intensional.

The eggs were stored in a liquid nitrogen egg freezer, which can store a woman’s eggs for several years.

Many women who choose to freeze their eggs suffer from fertility issues such as pcos (polycystic ovarian syndrome), endometriosis, fibroids, or have either had cancer, a hysterectomy or been diagnosed as infertile to name a few reasons.

Black women are the number one candidates for hysterectomies and often opt for one due to uterine fibroids. Often times these sisters did not try natural means of fibroid elimination.

Similarly, when it comes to fertility, Black woman may tend to overlook natural remedies to address their fertility issues.

Unfortunately, many Black women who had a hysterectomy do not freeze their egg cells and may not have been affected by this devastating disaster at University Hospital.

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However, the need for Black women to take more charge of their fertility in the face of fibroids, hysterectomies, endometriosis, pcos, and cancer, is no less an urgent and pressing issue.

Indeed, however, many of these women whose eggs were lost in the negligence bought into the idea that they were infertile before trying natural fertility methods like tracking when they ovulate to time intercourse.

Anytime we forgoe our ability to do our due diligence when it comes to our health, opting instead for technology and businesses to take care of us, we can easily fall victim to such shady business practices as seen at University Hospital.

Here are some notes from the interview with the Director that led to the fertility meltdown at University Hospital:

  • Discovered alarm turned off
  • Tanks had remote computer controlled alarm
  • Somebody may have deactivated it
  • Tanks weremonitored locally by storage tanks
  • Tanks also were separately remotely monitored
  • Supposed to call endocrinologist when alarm engaged
  • Tanks were not checked that weekend
  • Director not sure when tanks tested last
  • Supposed to automatically fill from bottom

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  • Staff were manually filling liquid nitrogen from top, against manufacturers instructions
  • Nitrogen lasts 3-4 days
  • UH now offering chance to generate more eggs
  • Several individual and class action lawsuits filed against UH

Before taking what seems like the easy route, why not try natural fertility methods? Don’t put all your eggs in one basket when it comes to your ability to concieve.

Watch this video for a few tips on other natural fertility methods.

What are your thoughts? As a Black woman, would you freeze your eggs? What would you do in this situation?

5 steps to

improving low egg quality

so you can get
pregnant naturally
with your own eggs


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