
10 Ways Coffee Is Killing Your Fertility

By Nattassia Wynter, Fertility Coach

On April 12, 2018

10 Ways Coffee Is Killing Your Fertility
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Sis, whats in your cup? Because if its coffee you are more than likely harming your fertility. So listen up, it goes like this…

Caffeine is full of all types of chemicals that can be wreaking havoc on your fertility. If you’ve been trying to get pregnant and have that little baby boy or baby girl, but you’re finding that it’s just too hard and things are not working out right your might want to toss your cup.

Although coffee can be very nutritious and beneficial for many people in many ways, when it comes to fertility, coffee is a far cry from from a benefit, let alone, the super elixir it used to be.

Today coffee is filled with all types of artificial sweeteners, milks made from cows that have been injected with all types of hormones, chemicals and drugs.

Coffee can be polluted with chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides. All these things are absorbed when you drink it. They then make a home in your fertility organs such as your womb your ovaries and your precious egg cells.

So if you want to know how you can boost your fertility you’re going to need to decrease that caffeine and read these top 10 reasons for quitting coffee that I have for you!

10 Ways Coffee Is Killing Your Fertility
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  • A 1997 study of 3000 European woman showed that consuming more than 500 mg of coffee delayed conception.
  • This delay or infertility was increased if the woman smoked.
  • Combined with alcohol, consuming more than just one cup of coffee reduced fertility according to John Hopkins research. (1)

10 Ways Coffee Is Killing Your Fertility
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  • Up to 80% increased link that consuming more than two to three cups or 300 mg per day of coffee may cause miscarriage and stillbirths. (3)
  • An American study of 344 couples showed an increased risk rate of early miscarriage when either the man or woman consumed more than two cups seven weeks prior to conceving.
  • Decafinated tea is no better since drinking three cups a day is linked to spontaneous abortions in one study (3) ultimately doubling the risk. (4)
  • Tannic acid found in coffee, wine tea and cocoa may be connected to spontaneous abortions. (4)

10 Ways Coffee Is Killing Your Fertility
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  • Some studies suggest caffeine increases the rates of birth defects.
  • Other studies deny claim. (2)


  • Interfers withe fallopian tubes ability to relax and contract.
  • Hinders movement necessary to help egg flow through tubes towards uterine lining before implantation. (2)


  • Makes uterine lining less hospitable for implantation of a fertilized egg. (2)


  • Caffien blocks iron absorption which can lead to anemia. (6)
  • Coffee shouldn’t be consumed with food so you don’t block the absorption of important vitamins and minerals.

10 Ways Coffee Is Killing Your Fertility
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  • Hidden sugars in lattes and cappuccinos can affect fertility.
  • Artificially sweetened coffee can also impair fertility.
  • Your body digests sugar immediately causing insulin and blood sugar levels to rise too fast and can negatively affect your fertility. (2)


  • Can be found in chocolate, green tea, energy drinks, black tea, and even cosmetics and over the counter pharmaceuticals.
  • Caffeine from other sources combined with caffeine from coffee can further increase caffeine intake.
  • Home brewd 8 oz cup of coffee has 90 to 112 milligrams caffeine. (2)
  • Studies suggest coffee raises homocysteine levels which is dangerous to your health.

10 Ways Coffee Is Killing Your Fertility
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  • Can cause unhealthy withdrawal.

10 Ways Coffee Is Killing Your Fertility
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  • Contains many known and unknown chemicals that can inhibit fertility such as tannic acid as well as chemical solvants used in the decafination process.
  • Many are known carcinogens such as acrylamide, released by roasting coffee beans.
  • Other chemicals can adversely affect your hormone receptors leading to hormone imbalances.
  • Women who consume the most caffeine via coffee seem to have greater occurrences of infertility. (4)
  • On the other hand, grequent coffee drinking in men was show in dtudies to increase the motility of sperm. (5)


  • Drink in moderation
  • Switch to decafinated (only temporarily in weaning stages)
  • Substitute with green tea
  • Drink more tea
  • Experiment with root teas suchs as gingeroot, chicory root and dandelion root.
  • Avoid sodas


1. Six Steps to Increased Fertility: An Integrated Medical and Mind/Body … By Robert L. Barbieri, Alice D. Domar, Kevin R. Loughlin

2. Fertility for Beginners: The Fertility Diet and Health Plan to Start … By Shasta Press

3. Boost Your Fertility By Marilyn Glenville

4. The Natural Diet Solution for PCOS and Infertility: How to Manage Polycystic … By Nancy Dunne

5. Coffee in Health and Disease Prevention edited by Victor R. Preedy

6. The Fertility Handbook: Everything you need to know to maximise your chance … By Mary Wingfield

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