
Ikea Wants Expectant Mom’s to Piss Off

By Nattassia Wynter, Fertility Coach

On January 19, 2018

How often do you pee on stuff when you’re pregnant? Seriously! Because Ikea wants expecting moms to pee on its flyer to reveal something special.

Most pregnant women try hard not to just pee on things like their underwear, especially when laughing. But this ad wants you to let you inhibitions go and let your incontinence flow.

Really. They do!

Ikea wants you to pee on their ad to reveal a discount on cribs. The advertisement was run in a Sweedish magazine and features a coupon that renders a discount when pregnant a woman urinates on it.

Much like a home pregnancy test, the hormones in a mother-to-be’s urination reacts with chemicals in the coupon, only this time you get more than a blue line!

Expectant Mom’s not only get a free home pregnancy test, you also get a discount on a crib.

Whether they accept the peed on coupon as tender in stores is still a question.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this?

What do you think? Would you pee on this coupon? Would you bring it in stores to Ikea afterwards?

5 steps to

improving low egg quality

so you can get
pregnant naturally
with your own eggs


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