
Fertility Cleansing With Avocados For A Healthy Fertility Routine

By Nattassia Wynter, Fertility Coach

On March 25, 2020
Did you know that avocados are a great fertility food? Are you trying to conceive naturally and want to improve your diet to increase your chances of conception?

If you are looking for ways to add more healthy plant-based vegan foods to your fertility routine, then avocados should be one of your go to foods for fertility.

Fertility Cleansing With Avocados For A Healthy Fertility Routine
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Not only are avocados a good tasty fruit but it is one of the fruits with the most fat content.

You need adequate amounts of fat when you’re trying to conceive.

A recent study at the Harvard School of Public Health showed women who eat foods high in monounsaturated fats, like avocados, olive oils and sunflower oil, nuts and seeds, had tripled their success in IVF chances of conception.

Want to know how I formulated a diet that helped me shrink my fibroid conceive my son in one cycle? Was your IVF appointment cancelled because of Corona? Join my 5 Day Fertility Womb Cleanse Challenge!

Fertility Cleansing With Avocados For A Healthy Fertility Routine
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Not only are avocados nutritious, they also are cleansing. Avocados are perfect if you want to do a cleanse from a highly processed diet that includes a lot of meat, sugar, carbs and other highly inflammatory foods.

Since avocados are high in monounsaturated fats, it is believed to lower inflammation. This can be especially important if you have inflammatory related fertility issues. Like fibroids, endometriosis, or pcos.

Fertility Cleansing With Avocados For A Healthy Fertility Routine
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Avocados are high in essential nutrients which is beneficial for women trying to conceive.

Avocados are also high in potassium similar to bananas, and is important for preconceiving women.

You may have heard that you need to start taking folate 2 -3 months before trying to conceive. Women whose diet are low in folate have been linked to subfertility. The good news is, you can get folate from wholefoods like dark green leafy vegetables and avocados.

Avocados are high in folate, which means you do not have to take any folate pills or added supplements if you can get it from your diet.

Fertility Cleansing With Avocados For A Healthy Fertility Routine
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Finally, Avocados are very filling. And can be eaten as a whole snack or meal on the go or while staying at home.

If you are trying to eat a more vegan or plant based diet, and are trying to conceive, consider eating avocados.

So did you know that avocados help increase your chances of conception? I would love to hear from you! Do you eat avocado? What do you like or not like about them?

Fertility Cleansing With Avocados For A Healthy Fertility Routine
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What’s your biggest challenge when feeling hungry on a plant-based diet? How do you use avocados? Share your favorite avocado recipe with us in the comments.

What do you eat to get more fat in your diet? Do you have an inflammatory fertility issues like fibroids, pcos, or endometriosis? What are you doing to reduce fibroids, etc?

How do you get your folate? Are you taking folate pills or supplements? Or eating foods rich in folate? If so, what kinds?

Were your fertility appointments cancelled because of Corona? Join my 5 Day Fertility Womb Cleanse Challenge and increase your chances of conception and eliminate fibroids at home. Get started HERE!

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