
5 Benefits of Restorative Yoga for Fertility

By Nattassia Wynter, Fertility Coach

On October 8, 2020

5 Benefits of Restorative Yoga for Fertility

You’re probably wondering if restorative yoga can help improve your fertility naturally. Restorative yoga is a particular type of yoga and one of the many natural fertility methods that has many fertility benefits.

If you’re having trouble conceiving, it’s often a sign that your body is not ready yet. You may need to spend some time working on mental, emotional, or physical challenges in order to see a breakthrough in your fertility.

On the other hand, rushing into trying to conceive, without dealing with these issues may only result in miscarriages and more heartache and setbacks.

Restorative yoga is a way for you to work through all the areas in your life that may be holding you back from conceiving your baby naturally.

If you want to know what these benefits are, keep reading as I share five benefits of restorative yoga for fertility that can help you increase your chances of conception.

Restorative yoga is a natural fertility method I always enjoy and often recommend to my clients. It’s even something you may enjoy doing long after conceiving your baby!

If you’re interested in learning more or practicing restorative yoga, join my waitlist to learn if I release any programs teaching fertility yoga for beginners to get exclusive offers just for signing up if I do.

So here are the 5 benefits of restorative yoga for fertility…

5 Benefits of Restorative Yoga for Fertility
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1. Lessens Stress & Promotes Inner Peace

If you’re feeling overwhelmed while trying to conceive, restorative yoga can help you manage stress and better cope with the stress of wanting to conceive.

It’s important to have a stress management routine because stress can often manifest into physical pain.

Women with reproductive challenges often experience pain in their reproductive organs such as painful periods, cramps, lower back pain, pain in the ovaries, vagina or lower abdomen.

So consider restorative yoga poses to help release tension and ease pain in your body, especially if it’s located in your reproductive organs.

This type of yoga also helps balance your mood and calms your nervous system which can be helpful if you experience PMS.

Regularly practicing restorative yoga is a good way to deal with stress and pain since yoga creates a sense of wellbeing that can be felt long after your yoga session is over.

5 Benefits of Restorative Yoga for Fertility
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2. Improves Physical Health

If you’ve been wanting to get in shape or lose weight to increase your chances but don’t want to work out or go to a gym, restorative yoga counts as exercise that doesn’t just improve fertility, but your overall health as well.

Yoga for restoration helps strengthen your muscles which helps burn fat. So you get a good stretch and might even break a sweat while you do.

It also helps give you a boost of energy, stamina & endurance which is helpful if one of the reasons why you haven’t conceived is because you’re just not interested in sex.

An extra boost of energy might get you back in the mood and feeling turned on again.

Furthermore, you can also expect other health benefits of restorative yoga such as increased heart rate and increasing your circulation.

So with a boost in confidence, extra energy and your blood and other fluids pumping into your reproductive organs, you may conceive quicker than you’d expect!

5 Benefits of Restorative Yoga for Fertility
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3. Tones & Strengthens Reproductive Organs

We often forget that the reproductive organs are made up of smooth muscles that need to be exercised so they can function at their best.

For example, a toned uterus is beneficial for fertility, especially if your uterus is too weak to carry a pregnancy, you’re prone to miscarriages or have a tilted uterus.

You may notice your vaginal muscles becoming stronger and tighter, but how do you work out muscles, such as your womb, which you can’t see or feel?

Well restorative yoga postures can help stimulate your reproductive muscles in your womb, ovaries, tubes and vagina, helping them to stay strong and toned yet supple.

Restorative yoga is also beneficial for fertility by promoting proper reproductive organ & uterine function which can also help during labor and childbirth.

While you may not be able to feel your womb become stronger, you may notice that your periods are shorter, aren’t as painful and are more regular, or that you ovulate more regularly too.

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4. Reduces Pressure to Conceive & Improves Relationships

Restorative yoga creates space for selfcare and wellbeing. The pressure to conceive can cause us to quickly forget what’s important, which is taking care of yourself first and foremost and making sure you maintain a mutually supportive bond with your man.

This pressure and obsession to conceive can be significantly reduced by focusing our attention on other activities. Restorative yoga lets you take your mind off trying to conceive while still giving you the fertility benefits you need.

Taking time to do regular yoga for fertility and restoration can give you that renewed outlook on life and restore your youthfulness that obsessively trying to conceive can rob you of.

Best of all, yoga is one activity that as a woman, you can do with your man–if he’s willing. Even if he’s not, your rejuvenated spirit will be felt by you, him and others, making your relationships stronger.

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5. Promotes Sense of Control & Power

Restorative yoga is a way for you to take back control and feel the innate power of yourself and connect with your femininity.

Losing control and not having the power to command your body to conceive at will can feel immensely defeating, especially when others are getting pregnant with ease. But there is nothing to be ashamed about. You don’t have to give in to feeling completely powerless or be a victim in your own body.

This is an opportunity for you to discover and explore your body and fertility on a deeper level than many other women may ever experience.

With restorative yoga, you can control your breathing and heart rate. But don’t overlook this seemingly small achievement. The ability to control something as simple as your breathing is a gateway to feeling and learning more about other things in your body that may be affecting your fertility.

This feeling and observing the ability to command your body to do things at will can be truly empowering.

Especially knowing that the results will be better circulation, uterine tone and hormone function and more which contributes to better fertility.

Furthermore, restorative yoga breathing exercises can help you hold yoga postures longer, allowing you to get the most benefits from each pose. Talk about control!

You get to choose how long to stay in each yoga pose and can challenge yourself in a positive way, giving you a heightened feeling of accomplishment — compared to other methods of trying to conceive.

Another great benefit of restorative fertility yoga is you get to choose when to induce relaxation on demand, anywhere, anytime!

So If that’s not a reason to roll out your yoga mat and try some restorative yoga right now, Sis, nothing else is!

5 Benefits of Restorative Yoga for Fertility
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As you see there are many benefits of restorative yoga for fertility. It’s a great way for you to prepare your body for conception while replenishing what trying to conceive has drained out of you.

Restorative yoga is really my favorite kind of yoga because it’s slow enough to feel the different changes going on in your body, but it’s also effective enough to feel it working.

So if you are wanting a way to get more balance in your life and get in touch with yourself and regain some control over your fertility trying restorative yoga may be your next step.

To learn more ways yoga can improve your fertility and chances of conception Download my Top 5 Natural Fertility Tips Cheatsheet. Inside this Free PDF I share the top five ways to increase your fertility naturally and why so you can reach your goals of having a baby sooner the right way.

And also Join my Waitlist for special bonuses when I release new products and services to get exclusive offers and updates. If you do, you’ll get a fertility yoga pose pdf and an invite to attend my upcoming weekly fertility yoga class.

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