Why You Think You Can’t Concieve?
1.) Your Western Mindset Many of the reasons why you think you cannot conceive has been learned. As a teenager, however, we learned a completely different message. We learned that it is so easy to get pregnant, but as we get older we are now taught that it is hard to...
How to Boost Your Fertility Naturally and Get Pregnant
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2hhfX6X7xI&w=560&h=315]1.) Eliminate why you think you can’t concieve.Aside from your doctor maybe telling you that you are infertile, there are other factors that can contribute to why you think you cannot...
7 Days of Fertility Livestreams
For the next 7 days I will be going live on social media ti discuss Black Fertility Livestreams. Why You Should Follow? 💋| Learn how to boost your fertility naturally. 💋| How fertility is tied to good health and how infertility is linked to weaken genes and poor...How I Got Lucky With My First Basal Body Thermometer
Getting a basal body thermometer may be easier than you think!