
Basal Body Thermometer

Basal Body Thermometer
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Basal body thermometers can help you achieve pregnancy by charting and tracking your Basal Body Temperature (BBT). Charting your BBT can help you determine when you Ovulate.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9TZJ_w6GpM&w=560&h=315]

A Basal Body Thermometer is probably the largest expense you’ll make on your trying to concieve (TTC) journey besides Pregnancy Coaching. Email me for pregnancy coaching @ BlackFertility@gmail.com.

Tracking and charting your temperature for ovulation can help you time sex for implantation to achieve pregnancy. A BBT thermometer measures your temperature to 1/100th of a degree (i.e., 97.63° F). Regular thermometers only measure to 1/10th of a degree (i.e.,97.6°F).

Features of Good BBT thermometers are:

  • memory recall
  • beeps at peak temperature, and
  • measures to 1/100th of a degree.

Average BBT thermometers cost $20-30 and can cost up to $60.

What to know when the best time to chart your temperature? Comment Below. Want to learn how to chart your temperature Comment, Subscribe & Join my website at http://BlackFertility.wordpress.com

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